Category Archives: Christian Living

A Catholic Conference For Moms!

  Catholic Moms, Are you looking for something special to do this Lent? Imagine thousands of moms gathering together online or in their parishes to pray, to learn, to support one another, and to be challenged to live the message … Continue reading

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Want To Become Close Friends With Jesus?

  Coming in Spring of 2016 from Servant Books!

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Are You Worried That The World Is Falling Apart? Here Are 5 Bible Verses You Should Know…

  Let’s be honest…there are some frightening things going on in the world. Every day we are bombarded with news about Ebola, Isis, financial uncertainty, data breaches and many other threats. While it’s not necessarily a bad thing, advanced technology … Continue reading

Posted in anxiety, Christian Living, confusion, faith, fear, suffering, The Gift Of Today, trust, worry | 1 Comment

How To Stop Worrying About Your Children

  If you’re a parent, there’s a good chance that you spend a great deal of time worrying about your children. After all, isn’t that what parents are supposed to do? Although you might feel like it’s impossible to stop … Continue reading

Posted in anxiety, Catholic Life, Christian Living, family, fear, worry | Comments Off on How To Stop Worrying About Your Children

Don’t Let Fear Stop You From Saying “Yes”!

  “If you want to do something for the Lord, do it! Whatever you feel needs to be done, even though you’re shaking in your boots and you’re scared to death – take the first step. The grace comes with … Continue reading

Posted in anxiety, Christian Living, faith, fear, trust, worry, Zimak family | Comments Off on Don’t Let Fear Stop You From Saying “Yes”!

Congratulations, Mary And Elizabeth!

  A few years ago, my wife Eileen and I got the “crazy” idea that we should homeschool our daughters. They were in the sixth grade at the time, but we felt that the Lord was telling us we should … Continue reading

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10 Positive Things That Happen When We Pray

  Why should I bother to pray? If you’re like me, you’ve probably asked yourself this question at least once in your life. Whether it’s motivated by the fact that “God already knows what I need” or by “God doesn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Living, faith, prayer | 8 Comments

5 Habits That Are Hazardous To Your (Spiritual) Health

  Although Lent is winding to a close, there is still plenty of time to work on the many bad habits that hurt our relationship with the Lord. If you were to make even the smallest progress overcoming one of … Continue reading

Posted in charity, Christian Living, Lent, spirituality, worry | 20 Comments

Deacon Bill Steltemeier – A Death In The Family

  I’m sad. Yesterday, I learned of the death of EWTN’s Deacon Bill Steltemeier and it hit me hard. Although I’ve never met the man, I feel as I’ve lost a member of my family. And as I’ve thought about … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Living, EWTN, trust | 6 Comments

Continuing The March For Life

  I’ve just returned from Washington, DC where I had the honor of participating in a 2 day book signing at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. On January 24 & 25, I signed copies of … Continue reading

Posted in abortion, Christian Living | 2 Comments