Category Archives: faith

How To Know God Is Working In Your Life (Part 4)

Over the past few weeks, I have offered suggestions on how you can know that God is listening to your prayers and working in your life. I suggested that you look for positive changes (things get a little better), negative … Continue reading

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Keep On Keepin? On

I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6) This verse, taken from the Second Reading of today?s Mass reminds us … Continue reading

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How To Handle Any Problem

But as for me, I will look to the LORD, I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. (Micah 7:7) One of the most difficult tasks we face as disciples of Jesus Christ is … Continue reading

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How To Know God Is Working In Your Life (Part 3)

Over the past few weeks I have been offering suggestions on how to observe that God is working in your life. So far, I have encouraged you to look for any changes ? either positive or negative. This week, I … Continue reading

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The End Is Near!

As the liturgical year winds down, the Church wants to be sure that we don?t forget a critical fact ? this life is temporary and will come to an end. Furthermore, at the end of our life, we will be … Continue reading

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Do You Trust God?

A man fell over a cliff and, as he tumbled down, managed to grab on to a bush growing from the side of the rock. Terrified, he hung in space, his life flashing before him. In desperation, he shouted toward … Continue reading

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Are You Afraid Of Life’s Big Waves? Jesus Can Help!

  Are you someone who is constantly afraid of the “storms” in your life? Are you especially frightened by the “big waves”? I recently had the chance to visit with my buddy Bear Woznick on his Deep Adventure radio show. … Continue reading

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Fr. Larry Richards On Faith, Hope, And Clarity…

  ?Knowing and living God?s will is the most important thing you could ever discover, and Gary Zimak?s book will help you do just that!? – Fr. Larry Richards, Founder of The Reason for Our Hope Foundation Thank you, Fr. … Continue reading

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Are You Worried That The World Is Falling Apart? Here Are 5 Bible Verses You Should Know…

  Let’s be honest…there are some frightening things going on in the world. Every day we are bombarded with news about Ebola, Isis, financial uncertainty, data breaches and many other threats. While it’s not necessarily a bad thing, advanced technology … Continue reading

Posted in anxiety, Christian Living, confusion, faith, fear, suffering, The Gift Of Today, trust, worry | 1 Comment

5 Lessons We Can Learn From Jesus’ Calming Of The Storm

  When I speak at parishes and conferences around the country, one of my favorite Bible passages to discuss is “Jesus Calms The Storm At Sea” (Matthew 8:23-27). Basically, the disciples follow Jesus into a boat, a great storm arises, … Continue reading

Posted in anxiety, faith, fear, From Fear To Faith, positive thinking, suffering, trust, worry | 16 Comments