Finally…A Catholic Retreat For Worriers!


Catholic speaker and retreat leader Gary Zimak will be leading a Pray, Hope and Don't Worry retreat at the Malvern Retreat House in Malvern, PA on August 14-16,2015

Are you tired of worrying?

Would you like to feel greater peace in your life?

Do you sometimes wish you could get to know Jesus better?

Does the idea of getting away for a few days of peaceful reflection and relaxation sound good to you?

I am thrilled to announce that on Aug 14 – Aug 16, 2015, I will be leading the first ever Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry retreat at the Malvern Retreat House in Malvern, PA! Located in the Philadelphia suburbs, the Malvern Retreat House is the oldest and largest Catholic retreat center in the United States. I have a great deal of respect for the work that Msgr. Marino and his staff do and I am honored to be working with them on this retreat.

So what will we do on the retreat? Simply put, we’ll get to know Jesus and Mary better and ask them to help us to stop worrying. We’ll have Confession, Mass, Eucharistic adoration, quiet time and lots of great food! I’ll also be giving several presentations and will be available for questions or consultation. We’ll begin on Friday evening with registration, dinner, a talk and night prayer. On Saturday, I’ll be giving several talks and we’ll have confession, adoration and time for meditation. On Sunday, we’ll conclude with breakfast, followed by a short talk and Mass. The event will wrap up at approximately 11 AM.

Open to both men and women, this retreat will help you to finally break away from worrying by growing closer to the Lord. The cost for the weekend retreat (including meals and lodging) is $240. Please email me if you have any questions or need additional information.

Click on the following image to register for the Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry retreat. Space is limited, so make it a point to register today!

Register today for the Pray, Hope and Don't Worry retreat led by Catholic speaker Gary Zimak at the Malvern Retreat House

(NOTE: Be sure to watch Msgr. Joseph Marino, Duane McCarthy and Jacqueline Delaney on EWTN Live on Wednesday, Feb 11 at 8 PM Eastern as they discuss the programs offered at the Malvern Retreat House.)

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