Where Can I Buy Give Up Worry For Lent?

Once again this year, we are running into a “good” problem. As the Give Up Worry For Lent movement continues to grow, the book has completely sold out on Amazon! Yesterday, Give Up Worry For Lent was ranked in the Top 100 of ALL books offered for sale by Amazon. All Glory To God!

How To Order The Book

With Lent just a few days away, the lack of availability poses a problem for those of you who want to order the book in time for Ash Wednesday. The good news is that you have multiple options:

  1. You can order the Kindle version of the book HERE.
  2. You can order the book directly from Ave Maria Press (at a 20% discount and free shipping. Use promo code NOWORRY) HERE. (Contiguous US only. Offer expires April 13)
  3. You can order on Amazon HERE and the book will be shipped soon. Contrary to what the website says, a new supply of books was shipped to them last week. They just have to be recorded in their inventory system.

Also, don’t forget to “like” the Give Up Worry For Lent Facebook page for daily updates and comments from yours truly. In addition, you can listen to the weekly Give Up Worry For Lent segments on EWTN Radio’s The Son Rise Morning Show every Wednesday at 6:35 AM ET and each week on The Gary Zimak Show podcast.

As we walk together through the upcoming forty days, let’s decide to make 2020 the year when we finally Give Up Worry For Lent!

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