Here’s One Of The Reasons I’m Grateful For My Struggle With Anxiety


Catholic Speaker Gary Zimak addressing the St. Maria Goretti Altar Rosary Society at the annual Ladies Candlelight Dinner in Carmel, Indiana

Here’s a nice article about yours truly written by Kevin Cullen for The Catholic Moment, the newspaper of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana. Kevin was in attendance on the night that I spoke at the annual Saint Maria Goretti Ladies Candlelight Dinner and he did a great job covering the highlights of my talk. I have already heard from someone who wasn’t at the talk, but was comforted by the message in the article.

I am extremely grateful to be able to travel around the country sharing the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. I’m also grateful for my lifelong struggle with anxiety because it has brought me closer to Jesus and allows me to relate to and help my fellow “worriers”. While I was employed as a computer programmer, I never thought I would be working for the Lord on a full time basis. Now that I’m doing it, however, I can’t picture myself doing anything else!

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