Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, a holiday in the United States, and I?ll be taking a day off from blogging. When I reflect on all of the things that I have to be thankful for it is overwhelming.
I?m thankful for my lovely wife, Eileen, to whom I?ve been married for 14 years today! I never thought that I would get married because I had very high standards for a wife. Eileen has far exceeded those standards and makes my life better than I could have ever imagined. I am also thankful for my twin daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. Most of the medical experts predicted that they wouldn?t be born alive, but The Lord had another plan. They have added much joy to my life and I am very grateful for them. I?m also thankful that my mother is still alive, although she is suffering from advanced Alzheimer?s disease. Her current condition provides me with the opportunity to return some of the love that I received for so many years. I?m thankful that I have the ability to share the Good News of Jesus Christ over the Internet. This kind of evangelization wouldn?t have been possible a few years ago.
Most of all, I?m thankful that Jesus became man to suffer and die in my place, in order that I may live forever with Him in Heaven someday. How can you ever fully appreciate such a great and totally undeserved gift?
Happy Thanksgiving!