Listen To Your Blessed Mother!

In Sunday?s Gospel, we hear of a wedding reception that took place two thousand years ago at Cana in Galilee. At this celebration, Jesus performed His first miracle and turned water into wine. And, while the focus is understandably on Jesus, there are some important details about the Blessed Mother that should not be overlooked.

The Guest List ? Take a look at St. John?s list of wedding guests. Did you notice that Mary is listed first? She is even mentioned before Jesus. It seems apparent that the evangelist is trying to call attention to her presence. Mary is there for a reason.

The Problem ? Mary approaches her Son and informs Him that the wine had run out. She didn?t tell Him how or when to fix the problem. Her exact words were, ?They have no wine?. This tells us something about Mary. Her motherly concern allowed her to discover a potentially embarrassing problem for the bride and groom. Instead of trying to solve the problem on her own, she brought it to the attention of Jesus.

The Reaction ? At first it appears that Jesus is rebuking His mother, but that is not the case. While it is true that Jesus appears to object (“Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.?), Mary immediately went to the servers and instructed them to obey His instructions. Why would she do this if she thought He was denying her request? In reality, Mary knew that her Son was about to respond to her plea and save the day.

The Takeaway ? As our Heavenly Mother, Mary is always watching over us and looking for the problem areas in our lives. If she sees that we?re in trouble, she goes to Jesus and intercedes on our behalf. As illustrated by this story, Jesus takes her intercession very seriously. If we were wise, we?d get to know the Blessed Mother and ask for her assistance frequently. It would also be a good idea to pay attention to her final recorded words in Scripture?

?Do whatever He tells you.?

After looking at those words, it?s easy to understand why we never see another quote from her in the pages of the Bible.

What else needs to be said?

Listen To Your Blessed Mother by Gary Zimak

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