I also had the chance this week to meet someone who is not one of my heroes. In fact, he is a villain and the ultimate enemy of those who desire to do what is right. His name is Satan and he tries to convince us that we are worthless and incapable of advancing the Kingdom of God. You probably met him this week also. He?s the one who tried to convince you that you have no talents and that it is pointless to evangelize. He?s the one who tried to convince you that your life is miserable and that you should complain about the various crosses that you?ve been given. He?s the one that made you doubt that prayer makes a difference and that you shouldn?t even bother. However, there?s one thing you should know about this villain?He is a LIAR! He tries to fool us into believing that he is speaking the truth and he is delighted when we become discouraged and stop evangelizing, praying or rejoicing.
Both Danny and Richard spoke about the reality of the devil and how he tries to trick us into believing his lies. He?s so devious that he tempts each of us differently, using our individual weaknesses to his advantage. So, the next time you feel discouraged or want to stop spreading the ?Good News?, remember that quitting will make the ?father of lies? very happy. Instead, keep moving forward and use the words of Our Lord to tell this evil liar what he needs to hear:
?Get behind me Satan!!!? (Mt 16:23)
For more information about Richard Lane and Danny Abramowicz, visit their websites.
(Danny) http://www.crossingthegoal.com/