Here’s The Secret To Get You Through Any Problem Imaginable…


Catholic speaker and retreat leader Gary Zimak announces the annual Lenten Radio Retreat which begins on February 18 on Blogtalkradio

Catholic speaker Gary Zimak discusses the joy of heaven on his Be Not Afraid segment on Catholic Community radio in Louisiana

Here’s the Bible verse that I shared on my weekly Be Not Afraid segment on Catholic Community Radio‘s Wake Up! program this morning:

I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18)

There’s no doubt that we will encounter problems and suffering in this life. Some of our suffering will be big and some will be small. No matter how hard we try to escape, it’s inevitable that we will face some form of suffering every day. Even minor problems such as traffic jams, cold weather (it’s currently 3 degrees as I write this) and tiredness are all forms of suffering. There is something that every form of suffering has in common, however…

It will not last forever!

When we die, our earthly problems die with us. No matter how bad you are suffering, your pain will end one day. It may be in this life or it may be in the next life.

In the above Bible verse, Saint Paul reminds us of the importance of thinking about Heaven. What awaits us is so good, that it’s not even worth comparing to what we face in this life! That’s an amazing statement and something to think about as go about your daily business today. Try thinking about Heaven as you deal with your earthly struggles today. While you’re at it, ask the Lord to help you get there. He won’t let you down!

(Gary Zimak is a Catholic speaker and author who travels throughout the United States and Canada giving inspirational talks and leading parish missions and retreats. Click HERE to invite Gary to speak at your parish or conference or to inquire about his availability.)

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