Category Archives: Uncategorized
Moment Of Truth with Gary Zimak 1-25-12
Good Morning Friends! Here’s today’s edition of the Moment Of Truth with Gary Zimak. As we celebrate the feast of The Conversion of Saint Paul, let’s remember that the Lord can use all of us to do his work…no … Continue reading
Faith and Revelation: Scott Hahn, Scripture and Substance!
So You Wanna Learn About Scripture? In my opinion, one of the best books that you can read is Faith and Revelation (Knowing God Through Sacred Scripture) written by Dr. Scott Hahn (copyright 2009, Midwest Theological Forum) and edited by … Continue reading
Special Announcement Coming Tomorrow…
I will be making a special announcement tomorrow, August 22.? I am very excited about the news and I’m confident that it will benefit many people.? Please stop back again tomorrow or listen to the Following The Truth radio show … Continue reading
Special Announcement Coming Soon…
Let us not imagine that we obscure the glory of the Son by the great praise we lavish on His Mother. The more Mary is honored, the greater is the glory of her Son.”?- Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of … Continue reading
Phillies Look To Chaput To Boost Offense
Earlier today, in a highly unusual move, the Philadelphia Phillies announced the signing of Archbishop Charles Chaput as their new hitting coach.? The NL team’s management felt that this signing would give the team the competitive edge needed to retain … Continue reading
The Most Surprising Fact About The Ascension
As we celebrate the solemnity of the Ascension today, there are several points which can be considered “surprising”.? Why would Jesus ascend into Heaven before the Church had fully spread to all nations?? Wouldn’t it make more sense if He … Continue reading
Welcome to Following The Truth!
Welcome to my the new and improved Following The Truth website.? I’m looking forward to sharing my love of the Catholic Faith with all of you! ~Gary
The Parable Of The Debtors
On this episode of Following The Truth, we continued our “mercy” theme by discussing the Parable of the Debtors: A Pharisee invited him to dine with him, and he entered the Pharisee’s house and reclined at table. Now there was … Continue reading
The Catholic Position On Bin Laden
On today’s episode of Following The Truth, we discussed how the death of Usama Bin Laden should be viewed from a Catholic perspective. Jimmy Akin’s article from The National Catholic Register can be found here. The Vatican statement from Fr. … Continue reading
Does Divine Mercy Apply To Bin Laden?
I am probably in the minority this morning, but I am saddened by the news that has unfolded over the past 12 hours. As an American, I fully understand the tragedy that occurred in New York on 9/11 and I … Continue reading