Spiritual Exercises – Day 8


Today’s meditation focused on the call of Christ the King to each one of us. His invitation?

“Follow Me (and assist in my mission of salvation)”

Today, we pray for the grace not to be deaf to the Lord’s call, but to respond quickly and generously.

What is our response to the invitation of our King? We can respond in one of three ways. All of which represent an answer of “yes”, but with increasing degrees of generosity:

1. “Ok Lord, count me in.” (as long as it’s not too difficult)

2. “Count me in, Lord, with MY WHOLE HEART. I give myself to you entirely!” (no exceptions, I’m in all the way)

3. “I’m in, Lord, but not only with my whole heart. I want to go the extra mile and learn to love the crosses and difficulties that you send.” (going above and beyond the call of duty)

The Lord wants to hear our voluntary response to His call. Which of the above 3 responses would YOU choose?

End your meditation with the following prayer:

Eternal Lord of all things, I make my oblation with Thy favor and help, in presence of Thy infinite Goodness and in presence of Thy glorious Mother and of all the Saints of the heavenly Court; that I want and desire, and it is my deliberate determination, if only it be Thy greater service and praise, to imitate Thee in bearing all injuries and all abuse and all poverty of spirit, and actual poverty, too, if Thy most Holy Majesty wants to choose and receive me to such life and state.

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