He must increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:30)
John the Baptist had the right idea. He understood the importance of surrendering to Jesus. We’re going to be working on that for the rest of this week. Today, let’s concentrate on surrendering our time to the Lord.
Here’s what I wrote in Give Up Worry For Good…
In order to surrender your life (and your worrying) to Jesus, you first need to surrender your time to him. Are you willing to give Jesus some of your “me” time today? I suggest that you start with ten minutes. Don’t use family time or time that you are on the job. Instead, give him ten minutes from your social media, television, or radio time. Converse with him in prayer or spend time reading the Bible. You may even want to consider doing this for the remaining few weeks of this program. I guarantee it will be time well spent.
Giving up some of our “me” time can be challenging, but it will definitely pay off. As evidenced in the way He multiplied the loaves and the fish, Jesus can work wonders with the time you surrender to Him.