Thy words were found, and I ate them, and thy words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart. (Jeremiah 15:16)
For the past two weeks we have been letting the Lord speak to us every day through the Bible. And, judging from the emails I’ve been receiving, it is already starting to bear some fruit. Know what else is really cool? Even though I wrote the book and chose the Bible verses for each day, I’m benefiting from our retreat too!
Here’s what I wrote in Give Up Worry For Good…
For many years, I ignored God’s voice in sacred scripture. I thought it was too difficult to understand and that it wouldn’t make a big difference in my life. I was wrong. Like Jeremiah, I now understand that God’s words in the Bible bring me great joy. When I’m having a bad day and feel the temptation to worry, opening his book brings me comfort. It may take some time and a little practice, but his words will comfort you too—yet only if you read them. Open it up, and feast upon his Word. Let him speak to you today.
We still have over five weeks to go in our Give Up Worry For Good retreat. And I am totally confident that hearing God’s voice every day through Sacred Scripture is going to have a positive effect on each of us. With the Lord’s help, we really will be able to give up worry for good.