Give Up Worry for Good Week 1, Day 6

I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18)

When I begin to get beaten down by the struggles of life, this is my “go-to” verse. This message reminds me that this life is temporary. More importantly, it reassures me that the life Christ has planned for me in heaven provides all the happiness I can imagine and then some.

Here’s what I wrote in Give Up Worry For Good

Are you suffering now? This may not make you feel better, but I will say it anyway. Jesus is calling you to draw near to him. He wants you to run into his arms and let him comfort you. It’s very hard to see suffering as a gift, but that’s what it is. Suffering gives us the opportunity to grow close to the Lord and share in his redemptive mission. He always meets us in our suffering. The difficulties you are facing will not last forever, but eternal happiness in heaven will. Jesus loves you so much that he would do anything to allow you to live with him there—even if it meant suffering an agonizing death on the Cross.

The suffering you’re experiencing right now will come to an end either in this life or the next. It may not feel like it, but it is temporary. Keeping that in mind can bring you peace in the middle of the storm.

Let not your heart be troubled!


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