Category Archives: Uncategorized
Being Content With An Audience Of ?One?
As I read the final chapter of Surprised By Canon Law ? Volume 2 (Pete Vere & Michael Trueman) last week, I was struck by the authors? closing words: ?If the Holy Spirit uses these books to lead even one … Continue reading
Book Review: The Confessions Of St. Augustine
I’ve always wanted to read The Confessions of St. Augustine, but found a myriad of reasons for not doing so. My main reason for avoiding this spiritual classic was a fear of not being able to understand one of the … Continue reading
LearnYour Faith, But Don?t Forget Jesus!
One of the biggest mistakes that many of us make when studying our Catholic Faith is to forget about Jesus! While it sounds crazy, it is actually very easy to do. We can get so wrapped up with learning the … Continue reading
?Lord, Save Me!?
Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw how (strong) the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” (Mt 14:29-30)Many of … Continue reading
Thank God It?s Monday!
Have you ever noticed how many people grumble about Mondays? Around the office, complaints about the weekend being too short and cries of ?Is it Friday yet?? abound. Instead of being thankful for each new day given to us by … Continue reading
The Bread Of Life ? More Than Just Words
Most Catholics are very familiar with Jesus referring to Himself as the ?Bread of Life.? Unfortunately, some have come to treat His words as nothing more than a figure of speech. However, when Jesus refers to Himself as the ?Bread … Continue reading
Keeping Jesus Company…
Have you ever felt sad when reading the Gospel accounts of Jesus? agony in the garden? Did you ever wish that you could have been there to keep Him company while His Apostles slept? I have good news for you … Continue reading
Pope John Paul II Looks At Martha and Mary
The story of Martha and Mary has always been a popular one, but it?s a little difficult to understand. After all, shouldn?t Mary have been helping Martha with the housework? Was Jesus saying that manual labor is wrong and that … Continue reading
Trusting In God?s Judgment
A young woman at my office received a phone call today informing her of the sudden death of a 20-year old close friend. I expressed my sorrow and told her that I?d pray for her friend?s soul and for the … Continue reading
Discerning God?s Will
For many of us, determining God?s will presents one of life?s greatest challenges. How do we know if we are doing what God desires in our lives? Does God want me to switch jobs, end a relationship, pursue fertility treatments, … Continue reading