Category Archives: Uncategorized
Every Child Brings Us God’s Smile
There are many people in the world who attempt to turn the issue of abortion into a matter of choice or “women’s rights”. For whatever reason, these individuals try to divert attention from the murderous act that is taking place. … Continue reading
Trusting When It Doesn?t Make Sense
As we continue our journey through the season of Lent, the readings from today?s Mass provide us with some excellent spiritual nourishment. In the First Reading, The Lord tells Abram that he will have many descendents. Specifically, he is told … Continue reading
Listen To "Following The Truth" on the Radio – Wed, Feb 24 at 2PM Eastern
On the next “Following The Truth” radio program (Wed, Feb 24 at 2 PM Eastern with a repeat broadcast on Saturday, Feb 27 at 10 AM), I’ll be interviewing long time Philadelphia news anchor Pat Ciarrocchi about her Catholic faith. … Continue reading
Don?t Underestimate The Devil!
Today?s Gospel (Luke 4:1-13) on the temptation of Jesus is jam-packed with information, but I?d like to concentrate on a few key points. While it may not be pleasant, let?s spend a few minutes looking at the devil and some … Continue reading
Listen to "Following The Truth" on the radio!
On the next episode of “Following The Truth” (Wednesday Feb. 17 at 2 PM Eastern, with a rebroadcast on Saturday Feb. 20 at 10 AM), I’ll be discussing some topics that we don’t hear too much about anymore: sin, repentance, … Continue reading
Don?t Give Up Hope!
When I listened to the readings proclaimed at Mass today, one word kept jumping out at me ? Hope! The Random House Dictionary defines ?hope? as ?the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn … Continue reading
Listen To "Following The Truth" on Wed Feb 10 at 2 PM Eastern
Tune in tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb 10) to WFJS 1260 in Trenton, NJ at 2 PM Eastern for the next episode of the “Following The Truth” radio program with Gary Zimak. Topics include the Blessed Mother in Scripture, the perfections of … Continue reading
God Wants You!
I don?t know about you, but for many years I thought that it was up to the ?holy? people to proclaim God?s message in the world. After all, isn?t it the job of priests and nuns? I remember hearing on … Continue reading
Evangelization Without Love?A Big Mistake!
If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have … Continue reading
Unanswered Prayers? Keep Asking!
Who among us hasn?t experienced the frustration of an ?unanswered? prayer? You know the situation ? we pray for a loved one to return to the Church, for a new job, for a physical healing, for any number of intentions, … Continue reading