Category Archives: Uncategorized
How Many Will Be Saved, How Many Damned, And Why It Shouldn?t Matter!
In today?s gospel (Lk 13:22-30), Jesus proclaims some harsh words. In response to the question of how many will be saved, the Lord replies ?Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you will seek to enter … Continue reading
?It Is Useless To Expect A Person Without Formation To Fulfill His Christian Duties.?
The above quote has been attributed to St. Pius X, whose memorial the Church celebrates today. One of ten children, he was born Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto in 1835 in a small town in Northern Italy. Ordained to the priesthood in … Continue reading
Letting Your Conscience Be Your Guide…CATHOLIC Style!
We hear a lot these days about Catholics whose “conscience” allows them to disobey any number of Church teachings. Unfortunately, this is a very dangerous position which is totally unsupported by the teaching of the Church. Here’s my latest article … Continue reading
Speaking The Truth – Even When It’s Difficult!
The readings from today?s Mass (Jer 26:11-16, 24 and Mt 14:1-12) highlight a problem that?s existed from the beginning of time ? People don?t want to hear that they need to reform their lives, especially if it comes from a … Continue reading
The Missing Piece
Here’s a very good article by Mary Kochan, the senior editor of Catholic Exchange. It addresses the concerns of a Protestant and provides a perspective that some of us Cradle Catholics don’t have. Well done, Mary!
What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You!
One of the sad realities of our time is a decrease in Catholic identity. Many Catholics now view the one, true Church founded by Jesus Christ as “just one of many churches.” Unfortunately, by not recognizing the fact that the … Continue reading
Book Review: The Fathers Of The Church (Expanded Edition) by Mike Aquilina
One of the best ways to learn about the early Church is by studying the writings of the early Church leaders and teachers. These individuals, known as the Church Fathers, lived during the period from the middle of the first … Continue reading
Saint Thomas The Apostle ? More Than A Doubter!
Ordinarily when we think of Saint Thomas, it?s not in a positive way. Often referred to as the original ?Doubting Thomas?, this Apostle was known for refusing to believe in Our Lord?s resurrection until he saw Jesus with his own … Continue reading
The Sign Of The Cross?Not Just An Empty Ritual
Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. It is a day for us to reflect on the mystery of the three Persons of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. … Continue reading
Where’s Gary?
I?m sure that some of you may have noticed that I?ve been absent from some of my evangelization activities lately. No weekly radio show (although it still airs in reruns), no Following The Truth newsletter, no articles for Catholic Exchange … Continue reading