Category Archives: Uncategorized
Let’s Pray Together!
The Friday episodes of the Following The Truth radio program are dedicated to prayer. Join me as I pray the rosary each week on the air for the intentions of all the listeners. Praying with and for each other reminds … Continue reading
Help For Making Difficult Decisions
As Christians, we want to ensure that any major decision in our lives is in accordance with God’s will. While we can never be absolutely certain that this is the case, there are steps that will help to improve our … Continue reading
The Healing Of Peter’s Mother In Law
On the April 6, 2011 edition of Following The Truth, I discussed Jesus’ healing of Peter’s mother-in-law. Covered by 3 of the Evangelists (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), this simple tale reminds us all that the Lord can heal us of … Continue reading
"May It Be Done To Me According To Your Word!"
Today, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Annunciation, the day when Mary agreed to become the mother of the Savior. It is a special day and certainly has a large impact on our lives. Because of Mary’s “yes”, Jesus … Continue reading
Saint Joseph And Scripture – Less Is More!
Today, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Saint Joseph. Considering that none of his spoken words are recorded in the Bible and very little is written about him, we often dismiss the fact that we can study his life in … Continue reading
"This Is How You Are To Pray…"
Did you ever have one of those days when you just “can’t pray”? You try and try, but the words aren’t there. When faced with this situation, we often give up and figure that we can try again tomorrow. By … Continue reading
Need Help Listening To God?
As a Catholic evangelist and blogger, I’m always interested in books that feature quotes from the Saints and holy people. I’ve found that a brief inspirational quote placed on Twitter or Facebook can often do more good than a long … Continue reading
And So It Begins…
Even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the LORD, your God. (Jl 2:12-13) As we begin the holy season of … Continue reading
Saying "Y-E-S" To God During Lent
It’s often difficult to determine what we should “give up” or “do” during the season of Lent. If you’re still undecided, why not just say “Y-E-S” to God this Lent? Here’s my latest article for CatholicLane, which offers some suggestions: … Continue reading
What’s The Deal?
Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours. (Mk 11:24) The above words of Jesus seem very clear, but they can be a big source of … Continue reading