But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and have no fear.” (Matthew 17:7)
It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to give up worry, break free from a habitual sin or remain faithful to your prayer life, at some point you’re going to mess up and find yourself in the same place as Peter, James and John at the Transfiguration.
Here’s what I wrote in Give Up Worry For Good…
Now that you’ve been on this journey for several weeks, there is a good chance you have fallen by giving way to worry. If that’s the case, you are in the same place as Peter, James, and John—lying down and staring at the ground. If you continue to look downward, all you see is your failure. Doing this for any length of time could cause you to plunge into despair.
Today, Jesus comes to you and invites you to rise. He will help you to continue moving forward, but you have to surrender and accept His help. Doing so moves us closer to the goal of giving up worry.