For Christmas this year, my wife gave me the recently published book, The Prayers & Personal Devotions Of Mother Angelica. Compiled by Raymond Arroyo, this book is a collection of Mother’s favorite prayers, some composed by her and others from her prayer books. Additionally, this book also features excerpts from her personal prayer journal. One of the most comforting things I’ve learned is that Mother Angelica had doubts and shortcomings, just like the rest of us! But even when faced with her personal “dark night of the soul”, she continued to pray – relying on her faith to keep her going. It is an excellent book and I recommend it to anyone who desires to grow closer to Christ.
The following prayer touched me a great deal. There are many days that I look at what lies ahead and I don’t know how I’m going to make it through the day. Mother has put my feelings into words and reminded me that it’s OK to lean on the Lord for help. I hope it helps you also…
Prayer In The Morning
Good morning, Jesus. I want to give You this day with all my love. I want to unite my every thought and action with every thought and action of your earthly life. Help me to be kind and patient. It looks like a difficult day – a day of decision and I’m not sure of the right course to take. A day of pain and I feel weak, a day of uncertainty and I tend to lose hope. Don’t let me forget Your Abiding Love and Providence today. Walk beside me and when I hesitate put Your arms around me and steady my faltering steps. Guide me in your paths and give me that assurance that comes with Faith; Faith in Your Promises, Faith in Your Love.
The Prayers & Personal Devotions of Mother Angelica can be purchased online at
as a kid i was taught by immaculata nuns went to catholic school spent 6 months with fransiscans in cincinnati.i belong to tobias catholic singles group st frances church in houma. i love you mother angelica .i watch you religiously on tv . i hope to visit you soon. i contribute to your ministry. you are my best freind ;GOD FIRST!! LOL [email protected]